At Jazmine’s Journey, we are dedicated to supporting families affected by childhood cancer. Our mission is to provide not only emotional and financial support but also moments of joy and normalcy during challenging times. Here’s how we’ve made a difference in our community:
Emotional Support
Financial Assistance
Research Donations
We Help Families Affected by Pediatric Cancer
Because of your donations we are able to help families impacted by pediatric cancer.
Jazmine’s Journey Pediatric Cancer Family Christmas Party
December 8, 2024A heartfelt thank you to all our incredible supporters who made the Pediatric Cancer Family Holiday Party a success! Children enjoyed crafts, letters to Santa, hot cocoa and cookie decorating! Thank you for bringing a smile to their faces!
Family Pancake Breakfast
November 2nd 2024A heartfelt thank you to all our incredible supporters who made the Family Pancake Breakfast possible! Your generosity created a warm and welcoming morning for families to relax, connect, and enjoy a delicious meal together—it truly meant the world to everyone involved.
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, Jazmine’s Journey was recently able to provide a memorable family outing for a child battling cancer. With the help of your donations, we supplied a gas card and a lunch gift card, allowing the family to spend a worry-free day together. Most importantly, we helped fulfill a dream by checking off a bucket list item—an unforgettable experience at iFly, where the child enjoyed the thrill of indoor skydiving.
It’s through your ongoing support that we can continue to create special moments like this for families in need. Thank you for making these priceless memories possible!
Family Lunch at Phoenix Children's Hospital
September 16th 6pm-7pmWe had the honor of providing lunch to families and staff on the oncology floor at Phoenix Children's Hospital. The afternoon was filled with hugs, tears, and the strength of those facing unimaginable challenges.
Jazmine's Journey is dedicated to supporting families impacted by pediatric cancers, and we're grateful to offer comfort and care in their time of need. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. Together, we are stronger!
Family Dinner at Thunderbird Pediatrics Oncology for Families and Staff
On June 17, 2024, we were able to donate a Someburro's dinner for families and staff to enjoy at Thunderbird Pediatrics Oncology floor. A piggy was given to a little one too!
Hygiene Kits for Banner Thunderbird Pediatrics Oncology
On May 28th, 2024, we were able to make a donation to Banner Thunder Pediatrics Oncology floor of twenty-seven children's hygiene kits that included a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, and a sticker. When in the hospital for treatment, the last thing that is on the mind are things such as hygiene items. Jazmine's family appreciated not having to worry about those little things and helped a lot. We are proud to be able to make such donations with the help from our community donors.
Piggy Baskets for Pediatric Cancer Families
Because of your support and donations, we were able to assemble gift baskets with piggies, toys and gift cards to restaurants and West Wind Drive-In theatre! We gave these baskets to pediatric cancer families at Phoenix Children's Hospital!
Toy Drive
Thank you to those who donated to the toy drive! We successfully donated 30 toys to HopeKids! HopeKids is a wonderful nonprofit that provides events and classes for sick children and their families. They still include our family even after Jazmine has passed. Since a lot of the kiddos are quarantined at home because of their weakened immune system or in a hospital, I wanted to do another toy drive along with checking and sanitizing items that may need to be needed. Everything donated was given to the HopeKids organization who make sure those in need will receive them.
Blood Drive
A huge thank you to everyone who came out and donated blood at Jazmines Blood Drive. We successfully collected 27 units of blood that will be used to help save lives. Jazmine had so many blood product transfusion, we lost count. There are so many children just like Jazmine always in need of blood. We will be hosting future blood drives to help save more lives. If you have space big enough to host please reach out so we can coordinate Jazmine’s Blood Drive